
10 Ways to Protect YourSelf and Family From CoronaVirus


6. We Don’t Need To Go To Work (Hear what your employer says)

We weren’t prevented from going to work. But if we can work from home this is the right choice. If we really have to go. we keep our distance from others. even more than a meter. We do not greet each other by shaking hands: it is not rudeness, it is common sense. Let’s wash our hands often.
Always after touching handles tables, chairs. We never got our hands on our faces. We do not touch our eyes. nose and mouth. We avoid calling meetings if we can speak on the phone or via email. And if the meeting is essential. let’s do it in spaces that allow us to be “at least” one meter from the others. Better if two. But in all these cases. your employer or the company we are working for will surely have spoken to all employees and certainly provided them with all the information and measures necessary for everyone’s well-being. including those of the company.

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