
13 Foods That Can Lower Your Risk of Cancer


1. Broccoli

This vegetable food has sulforaphane in it. This is considered as an anti-cancer ingredient. Studies show that it reduced the number of breast cancer cells by up to 75%. Moreover, if you take this vegetable regularly, then it can lower the risk of colorectal cancer. But these all are at the experiment level. Apart from this, you can take this food more than once a week. Though it’s a winter vegetable, some farms grow this through-out all year. Broccoli has sulforaphane, which reduces breast cancer cells and tumor cells. It also helps to get rid of colorectal cancer.

The Bottom Line

These foods will keep your health in good condition. You will be able to reduce the possibility of getting cancer if you eat these foods. So, know the foods and add them on your diet list to stay healthy.

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