Best 12 Foods For Morning Breakfast


7. Berries

Berries are very low calories fruits. The most popular types of berries are blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. One cup of berries may contain 50-90 calories depending on the type. All of them are good sources of fiber. Berries usually contain a decent amount of magnesium. Both magnesium and fiber can be very helpful to reduce blood pressure. This decreases the chance of heart disease and stroke.

Berries are well-liked by many people. You can eat a small bowl of any type of berries every morning. But if you do not want to eat that much, you can add them to your oatmeal. This will enhance the test of your oatmeal. You can also add it to your yogurt.

Berries are an excellent choice for breakfast. It has many health benefits and will aid you in weight loss.

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