Meat Raised with Hormones and Antibiotics

15 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day


2. Sodas

Most probably that’s the most known drink in the entire world. It would be a tough task to find out who doesn’t like soda. The demand for this kind of drink is worldwide.

But trust us, it’s not healthy at all. If we are honest, then we have to that its rare to find a harmful thing like soda. It’s made with chemical, added sugar and so many things. The extra amount of added sugar actually gains the weight of a human being. That can take you into several dangerous experiences. Soda is made with few chemicals that can even brain cause brain tumour. You are might be a bit of shocked after hearing this. But the thing is, researchers did research on animals about soda. After continues the amount of drinking and after some period they found that these animals are suffering from a brain tumour. Another thing is, Sodas are kept in a bottle which itself is a harmful thing. These kinds of bottles actually share toxic chemicals with the drink and surely we eat this. That’s how day by day we going near to the disease named cancer.

Our suggestion will be to avoid sodas as much as possible. You can make fresh fruit juice in your home. Those will be more fresh and tasty.

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