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13. GMO Products

We hope all of you know the meaning of GMO. Still, if anyone is confused, then let’s just make you know that, when you will insert a specific DNA into a specific species from another species just to modify it, it will be considered as GMO product.

Why did people use to do that? Just to get an improved version of a product. There are a lot of examples of GMA products.  Sometimes different genes are inserted into tomatoes just to get a better version of tomatoes. To be very honest, you will find a lot of people having GMO foods. But you know one thing? It’s a really risky kind of food for all of us. Researchers from many countries did research on it and found that GMO food can cause kidney damage, several stomach problems and even you can suffer from cancer. Shocked? You should, because you are having this kind of food continuously. So what to do in this case? The solution is pretty simple. All you need to do is check the tag line before buying a portion of food.

If you are living in western countries, then you will see a tag like ‘GMO’. Try to avoid this, once you find this specific tagline. Hopefully, you won’t suffer from very dangerous diseases.

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